Overcoming the Challenges of Live Video Delay

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Captura de pantalla 2020 06 25 a las 19.19.44

Let’s presuppose that working from home becomes the new norm, that going to the office becomes a once-a-week or even once-a-month event. If this becomes the case, there will need to be a full home-working video support mechanism that needs to be either developed or expanded to cater to this modus operandi.

We are seeing the sudden exponential rise in collaborative and communication software such as Zoom, Skype, WhatsApp, Facetime, Whereby, Teams and so on — the list goes on.

The impact that I believe many of us, if not a huge number of us, are seeing is the difficulty faced when using these tools due to delays and buffering, particularly at the beginning of the European work day and then again when the USA comes on stream.

It is not a secret that the ISPs are struggling to provision enough bandwidth during these peak sessions, and then again in the evening when we fire up our smartphones, iPads, PCs and smart TVs to either watch live content streaming from the many services out there such as Netflix, Prime, HBO, etc.

The return of live events

One of the biggest challenges we will face will be the ability to follow live sports once more, when the world is able to open up the arenas to be able to transmit to remote live audiences, and particularly as it could be months before we will be able to actually go to the events themselves.

For sure these events will still be broadcast by terrestrial and satellite TV, but there is a growing demand for receiving live content across the internet. This is now an established industry, and it’s growing rapidly, to support greater demand by consumers wanting to receive content on their smart devices either statically or on the move.

One of the limiting factors to this rapid growth is the speed of transmission from the live arena to the viewer. Currently, dependent on the underlying infrastructure in use, the time lag or delay can vary from 10 seconds at best, to as much as 60 seconds or more.

Can you imagine watching a football match, supposedly real time on your laptop, and next door you hear the cheer of a goal being scored before it arrives on your screen?

True sub-second delivery

To overcome these restrictions, there is a huge amount of develop work being undertaken to overcome this end-to-end delay, and Ceeblue is currently at the forefront of this development.

Ceeblue.net have undertaken a number of trials and demonstrated that they are capable of delivering live video content in under a second, end-to-end, between continents.

Ceeblue are already rolling out solutions while the rest of the industry is on catch up.

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